Hello all,
I am new to the forum and especially new to the OHV scene but am looking forward to using my X to escape the city. I am relatively new to the Los Angeles area but need to escape on the weekends and so I have been really enjoying reading through this site. Thank you for all the great information already and I look forward to being a part of this community. Anyway, I am a teacher here in West LA and so will be planning to add some mods slowly over the next year or so.
My first question: I have a 2008 Standard Edition, automatic, 4WD with 120k miles. Besides the fluid flushes and the obvious new tires, what are some typical first mods. My first thoughts are performance, not aesthetic. I want to eventually upgrade my roof rack, add some lights and perhaps a new bumper and skid plates, but I am mostly concerned with my high mileage and so high worn parts.
It seems the consensus says get new tires ASAP...mine are okay, but what about new shocks? I was poking around under the car today after removing the running board/step, and things just look old down there. Does anyone have any suggestions there? I may be looking to lift it a bit, but not so much that my current tires look ridiculous?
Anyway, I am sure I will have plenty of answers soon and I look forward to hopefully making it out for an excursion sometime. In the meantime, I have been researching places to drive. It looks like Asuza Canyon OHV Park is a fun place to go? Any other must drive beginner trails in the area?
Thanks so much!