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SCCX General Discussion / Re: Hiker shot, Valley of the Moon
« Last post by Celt on January 27, 2025, 09:33:35 PM »
Canadians,,,,, I should have known.
SCCX General Discussion / Re: Hiker shot, Valley of the Moon
« Last post by Celt on January 25, 2025, 11:08:23 AM »
My thoughts are hypothetical but I might guess they walked up onto a smuggling operation. Instead of getting out of there on the quick, some words were exchanged and the hikers got the short end of the stick. It's also likely those hikers wanted a portion of what those smugglers were peddling and that was not well received. That entire sector is not somewhere that's on the top 10 safest places to be in the county.   
SCCX General Discussion / Hiker shot, Valley of the Moon
« Last post by Jayrat on January 25, 2025, 07:27:33 AM »
 A group of hikers was attacked in the Valley of the Moon.  One was shot.  One was robbed.  Story attached below.

Leaves me with some questions.  How badly is the victim injured?  Why would smugglers shoot a hiker? (Hikers wouldn't be a threat and why attract attention.)  'Cartel' smugglers committing a personal robbery seems a little strange

hers's the article
SCCX Welcome Center / Re: Hellooooo SD!!
« Last post by Celt on January 24, 2025, 12:43:52 PM »
  I was doing some internet searches of the place and it looks like it's probably a lot of fun. Next year I'm planning a cross country trip sometime early or late summer so that might be a place I could plan a stop.
SCCX Welcome Center / Re: Hellooooo SD!!
« Last post by RikRong on January 24, 2025, 10:43:04 AM »
I definitely need to make it down that way and maybe drag the Nissan guys from Minnesota with me.

On another note, we do an annual trip to the Iron range in May.  I know that's a haul for you, it's one for even me, but not sure if you want to put that on your radar for this summer?

  I've never heard of the Iron Range? What's it all about? I'm going back to the Rubicon this summer in between the myriad of projects I have on the list. I'm trying to get the guys I have gone wheeling with from Minnesota to meet up in the Rushmore area but it can be difficult with schedules and the like. The good thing is they all have RV's and it's not a very long haul for them.
The Iron Range is in northern MN, where they used to do a lot of iron mining.  The Iron Range OHV is a pretty extensive OHV area built in and around a lot of these old mining areas.  The Nissan crew make an annual trip up there and usually camp for the weekend.  I usually only go up for one night, but it's still fun.


SCCX Welcome Center / Re: Hellooooo SD!!
« Last post by Celt on January 06, 2025, 12:26:29 PM »
I definitely need to make it down that way and maybe drag the Nissan guys from Minnesota with me.

On another note, we do an annual trip to the Iron range in May.  I know that's a haul for you, it's one for even me, but not sure if you want to put that on your radar for this summer?

  I've never heard of the Iron Range? What's it all about? I'm going back to the Rubicon this summer in between the myriad of projects I have on the list. I'm trying to get the guys I have gone wheeling with from Minnesota to meet up in the Rushmore area but it can be difficult with schedules and the like. The good thing is they all have RV's and it's not a very long haul for them.
SCCX Welcome Center / Re: Hellooooo SD!!
« Last post by RikRong on January 06, 2025, 11:07:35 AM »
Rik, we have wheelin out this a way too...... Apparently (and I have seen evidence) there is some serious rock crawling right around the Mt. Rushmore area.

  Just sayin
I definitely need to make it down that way and maybe drag the Nissan guys from Minnesota with me. 

On another note, we do an annual trip to the Iron range in May.  I know that's a haul for you, it's one for even me, but not sure if you want to put that on your radar for this summer?
SCCX Welcome Center / Re: Hellooooo SD!!
« Last post by Celt on January 02, 2025, 11:01:55 AM »
Rik, we have wheelin out this a way too...... Apparently (and I have seen evidence) there is some serious rock crawling right around the Mt. Rushmore area.

  Just sayin
SCCX Welcome Center / Re: Hellooooo SD!!
« Last post by RikRong on January 02, 2025, 07:29:20 AM »
Yeah, I still have my X, but I moved back to NoDak and am definitely missing the weather and people of SoCal.
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