Thanks, I kicked the idea around of taking the Yaesu face plate off and mounting somewhere else and still might do it but really didn't come up with a good location where I can see/reach it without moving other stuff around.
I had to shim the Bearcat 980 SSB with rubber washers so it would hang lower allowing the back or the Yaesu FT-7900R to tuck in just above it while still allowing the Yaesu fan an open area to vent. The plate also allows me to hang the handhelds (FRS/ GMRS/ Yaesu FT60R) and really just gets all the crap out of my way while being easy to read/ reach.
You are correct, when I look up, it is almost blurry due to my farsightedness (I'm getting old) as it is almost directly above me but I can see/ operate it O.K. and the mic couldn't be in a more perfect place without having to un-cradle it to use it. Another inch back and I would look like Stevie Wonder trying to find the controls.
Overall, it turned out a lot better than expected. This thing was the worst case of scope creep short of the truck itself. I was SUPPOSED to just build it just enough to drive the thing around the mountains SLIGHTLY modified. The radio project was just SUPPOSED to be a couple of handhelds. I have a freakin' Lokka and crooked front differential bushings sitting on my dresser! Why does this keep happening?
If you ever hear me start a sentence with "You know what would be really cool": STOP ME!
This post was just a sack dance/ venting post after all the tedious little steps to get it all together (I STILL have a couple of things I need to wrap up) but I'll post a more detailed write up in my display case thread.
Thanks to all for the ideas/ help to feed my sickness!