So, who all is going to be there?
I wasn't planning on going, but Me and Emily are talking about it. Problem is the distance to get there for us 
There's (4) runs. Prolly too late to sign up as the organizers are traveling there but I'm sure you can get in a run if ya show up. Here's the dope:
Run #1 - The HammersLead: RoastBeef
Tail Gunner:
Difficulty: Most Difficult Imaginable
Meeting Time: 9:00 am
Run #1 - The Hammers
Meeting Place: Camp @ Means Dry Lake, Johnson Valley
Departure Time: 9:30
Return Time: All Runs aim to return between 5 & 6:00 pm
CB Channel: 1
2M Simplex: 145.520
2M Repeater: 147.330 + 131.8
Google Map:
This run will be running Sledgehammer, Clawhammer, and Big Johnson
Signed Up:
Revans2003- maybe -4x4
GumyBob - definite - 4x4
Stone - maybe - 4x4
bodyman909- maybe - 4x4
- - -
Run #2 - Big Bear Black DiamondLead: SteeevO
Tail Gunner:
Difficulty: Difficult
Meeting Time: 8:30 am
Meeting Place: Camp @ Means Dry Lake, Johnson Valley
Departure Time: 9:00
Return Time: All Runs aim to return between 5 & 6:00 pm
CB Channel: 2
2M Simplex: 145.520
2M Repeater: 147.330 + 131.8
Google Map:
This run will be taking an easier 4x4 trail, Rattlesnake Cyn, south to lone cyn. North meeting with hwy 18 where we catch a little pavement to start the real fun on Gold Mtn. Gold Mtn meets with Holcomb Valley rd. which connects us to John Bull, the most difficult trail in the Big Bear area. from there we take a couple forest service roads back down to hwy 18. we'll pass through Big Bear city to fuel up and get back to camp.
Signed Up:
Penski61 and Sexy6chick - definite - 4x4
inyourface1650- maybe - 4x4
Oz- definite -4x4
SC88PATHY- maybe- 4x4
Creek - definite - 4x4
jefenger- definite-4x4
- - -
Oct. 25th - Run #3 - Big Bear ModerateLead: Xtripn
Tail Gunner:Phulcrum
Difficulty: Moderate
Meeting Time: 9:00 am
Meeting Place: Camp @ Means Dry Lake, Johnson Valley
Departure Time: 9:30
Return Time: All Runs aim to return between 5 & 6:00 pm
CB Channel: 3
2M Simplex: 145.520
2M Repeater: 147.330 + 131.8
Google Map:
This run will be taking Rattlesnake cyn. south, to Lone Cyn North which meets with Hwy 18. We hit the pavemnt for a few miles to get to the trail head of Jacoby Cyn which meets with Holcomb Valley Rd. a smooth dirt rd. that will link us directly with the East end of the John Bull Trail to head south off of john bull to holcomb valley rd. and back to camp via hwy 18 & hwy 247
Signed Up:
Az-Ted - definite - 4x4
Yasha - maybe
wally/onix- definite 4x4
WestCo Justin- maybe - 4x4
bigboyindiego- definite - 4x4
BlackX - definite -4x4
bigdave - definite - 4x4
atekt - maybe - 4x4
phulcrum- maybe-4x4
MoDanger - definite
- - -
Run #5 - Pre-runningLead: PrerunnerGreg (PRG)
Tail Gunner:
Meeting Time: 9:00 am
Meeting Place: Camp @ Means Dry Lake, Johnson Valley
Departure Time: 9:30
Return Time: All Runs aim to return between 5 & 6:00 pm
CB Channel: 5
2M Simplex: 145.520
2M Repeater: 147.330 + 131.8
Signed Up:
Black_pearl - definite- 4x2
Nizmo4x2 - maybe - 4x2
Mustard23- maybe- 4x2/4x4
Devilrunner665 - Definite - 4x2
firebreed - definite- 4x2
silentsamurai - definate - 4x2
demondrive - maybe - 4x2
muchtofear-definite - 4x2
killjoylosangeles - maybe 4x2
benjammn- maybe- 4x2
nizmo4x2 - definite -4x2