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Author Topic: Edwin562's 07 2wd-4wd Build attempt.  (Read 27869 times)


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    • 5th gen T4R
Re: Edwin562's 07 2wd-4wd Build attempt.
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2017, 07:35:35 PM »
So, I thought we'd tackle this question together, here in your build thread(s) so you can reference it for future...reference.  :D

In the Shout Box you asked:

The answers to your questions are...yes, and yes.

You should definitely continue to get out (either solo or with the group) and get your tires in the dirt.  Each experience builds your off road library of information recall.

With respect to your question about mods/equipment/tire upgrades...upgrade your stuff as necessary, as you experience a trail/obstacle that you came away from saying, "Next time a (insert part/accessory/tool/recovery gear here) would come in handy, and help me get through that section better."

You have been on this forum for a while now, and contributed well thought out posts and respnoses.  Time to take that knowledge, combined with your new 4x4, and get outside. 

Start with easier green routes, and build towards the trails that you see and want to upgrade your rig to tackle.  Like you said, starting from stock and running the rig to upgrade with necessary items is sincerely the best way to go.

PM me if you have any questions...we are all here to help (you empty your wallet  ;) )

I believe I will have to explain myself in order to understand why the sudden change of plan or train of thought. Ever since I started modding vehicles, I went off whats the current trend or what seems to be useful but not really trying it in a real time situation where the modification would be necessary. I have built a few cars from street drag to full on drift car but never really went out there and put them to their full potential. So I have the mentality where I mod without using it, basically throwing money away. BUT now since Im really getting into 4wheelin and see a different style of modding, NOW i see it differently and its like a whole new way of modding to me. Mod slowly while learning the vehicle im actually building. On my 2nd gen I thought I had a plan where its sort of a guideline but it not really. It was basically a checklist to mod the X as fast as I can so I can be  "trendy". Now that im trying to learn my 1st gen, its fun actually learning to mod and drive. 

I agree with Ghost in his post. There are tons of upgrades and many people will have opinions on what you need to have added onto your vehicle. I think you are going about it smart by getting the X in good running order. Get out and get your wheels dirty and you will start seeing what type of off roading you prefer and you can start tailoring your upgrades around that all the while hopefully not completely emptying out your bank account.
TBH this ideology of modding is new to me, knowingly I been modding since 2008 and be a professional technician since 2010.


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