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SCCX General Discussion / Re: Happy Easter
« Last post by Celt on April 21, 2022, 06:45:02 PM »

 I'm super happy for you and the family. I'm sure you and Katy are very happy not to mention busy herding cats day in and out. No better job in the world as being a parent! It would be great to have you along on any trip and super easy to do to make it accessible for your new Earth Roamer.


  Nice to hear from you with the updates. Let us know what the plans are and I'm sure this group would accommodate you and the family if you wanted to meet up for a small trip or just a meetup. It won't be long and you can draw a straight line west and hit my house with a rock if you can whing it about 700 miles. Were also planning some runs into the Black Hills and that area since we have never seen it.
SCCX Xcursions / Pilot Rock Saturday 4-23-2022
« Last post by cdagne on April 21, 2022, 08:48:42 AM »
Hello sorry for the late notice, but wanted to do Pilot Rock up to Crab flats this Saturday.  Was going to take the difficult cut off to the left up the hill.  I have never done this in my truck but just had the transfer gears put in so want to test them out.  Not sure how high up the hill I will get, but will go as far as I can.  This is a fairly advanced run, but if anyone is interested let me know.


SCCX Xcursions / Re: Overland Expo West 2022
« Last post by Sage Bromax on April 20, 2022, 12:23:17 PM »
I will be there camping with the Black Series trailer group.
SCCX Xcursions / Overland Expo West 2022
« Last post by JeffBett on April 20, 2022, 09:28:40 AM »
Wow, its coming up soon, a month away.  Who on here is planning on going?  Are you camping on site?  I'll be there.
SCCX General Discussion / Re: Happy Easter
« Last post by RikRong on April 19, 2022, 06:18:18 AM »
Thanks Eric!  Happy Easter to you too!

We actually spent the holiday at home...with our newest edition!  Our daughter, MacKenzie June was born on 4/12 at 17:26, coming in at 6lb 11oz!  We're putting the van that we traded in the X(had to put that in there) to good use.  Honestly, having a van is pretty amazing.

Hopefully this winter, we'll be able to get out and do some camping that is van friendly.  Would love to do Blair Valley again, that was great...would be a great place to set up for UFC again!

Miss everyone here, and someday I'll have to tag along with one of you on a run!
Congratulations to the new one!  We're definitely missing everyone out there.  We're looking at planning a possible Disney trip in the not so distant future, and we'll definitely work some time into that trip to try to catch up with everyone.
SCCX General Discussion / Re: Happy Easter
« Last post by SCUBA_Dale on April 18, 2022, 10:29:11 PM »
Thanks Eric!  Happy Easter to you too!

We actually spent the holiday at home...with our newest edition!  Our daughter, MacKenzie June was born on 4/12 at 17:26, coming in at 6lb 11oz!  We're putting the van that we traded in the X(had to put that in there) to good use.  Honestly, having a van is pretty amazing.

Hopefully this winter, we'll be able to get out and do some camping that is van friendly.  Would love to do Blair Valley again, that was great...would be a great place to set up for UFC again!

Miss everyone here, and someday I'll have to tag along with one of you on a run!
SCCX General Discussion / Happy Easter
« Last post by Celt on April 17, 2022, 12:58:05 PM »
I wanted to wish all of you a Happy Easter. May you be home surrounded by family and friends with a full plate of food and many smiles!
SCCX Xcursions / Re: Corral Canyon trail run
« Last post by Celt on April 08, 2022, 09:25:25 PM »

P.S. only for Celt. I see no snark in my post. Just some clarification. Sorry for it being taken that way. As for going on runs and meeting members, I have gone on three outings (pretty good for how few runs this “club” does) with people from this group. Two you were in attendance. You made no attempt to get to know me or my wife or even say hi to the newbies.

Still waiting for you to post those two trips where I was with you and where I didn't make you and your wife feel all warm and fuzzy. If you wish to try and discredit me on this forum, I would like to see you back it up.
SCCX Xcursions / Re: Offroad Expo AKA Power Sports Expo
« Last post by Celt on March 22, 2022, 08:06:18 PM »
Don't tell Jordan, but I'm going to hitch a ride in the trunk of his cars. >:D

Is this you?

SCCX Xcursions / Re: Offroad Expo AKA Power Sports Expo
« Last post by Jayrat on March 22, 2022, 07:53:41 PM »
Don't tell Jordan, but I'm going to hitch a ride in the trunk of his cars. >:D
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