Haven't post in this thread in a while...but a few things have happened that might be "Great Moment" worthy:
Rattlesnake Canyon 2012, when 37 trucks showed up at the trail head...a very busy day juggling CB/Ham/FRS comms in my lap with xxSVxx co-juggling

Great Moments in SCCX History

Great Moments in SCCX History
Working and learning about the Adopt A Trail Program and our adopted son, 2N02. Greg Hoffman is, and always be, a great ranger/club friend

Great Moments in SCCX History

Great Moments in SCCX History

Great Moments in SCCX History
Mod days are always "great moments," when friends come together over wrenches, pizza, and parts.
Max waits for the boom

Great Moments in SCCX History
Santiago Peak jump for joy

Great Moments in SCCX History
Oh yeah...and cupcakes

Great Moments in SCCX History
Working out the kinks in his hose
Great Moments in SCCX History
There's an app for that
Great Moments in SCCX History
Our gracious host, Sparky
Great Moments in SCCX History
The Mojave Road, 2013 style
Great Moments in SCCX History
The tamest camp photo I could find

Great Moments in SCCX History
And again, in 2014
Great Moments in SCCX History

Great Moments in SCCX History
Discount Tire Clinic on The Road
Great Moments in SCCX History
Dusty art
Great Moments in SCCX History
A blank canvas
Great Moments in SCCX History

Great Moments in SCCX History

Great Moments in SCCX History