Callsign: KG6OAZ
License Date: Amateur Extra Class since they dropped the code requirement and my deaf as a post ears weren't a factor!
Radios: Truck Yaesu FT-8800R dual band and a Kenwood TH-F6A, home - Yaesu FT-897D and FT-2900R, Kenwood TH-F6A, and an old Yaesu FT-757GXII.
Antennas: The house has a 2M/440 on one end of the house and a 220/2M/440 on the other with an off-center feed Windom for the HF. 25 KW UPS backs everything up. (yeah, twenty five kilowatt hours). There's a discone for the scanner. On the truck I have SSB-7 and NR73B and some other antennas too.
Use to belong to the local RACES chapter until the chairperson when all stalker on me and creeped me out. Member of K6AFN's 220 repeater club.

SCCX Hams - Please check in here!

SCCX Hams - Please check in here!

SCCX Hams - Please check in here!